Easy Ways to Get Cosmetic Sets in Eso


Full list of all the available Motifs and Outfit Styles in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). "Motifs and Outfit Styles" can be obtained in-game through activities and from the Crown Store.


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Full list of all "Appearance" collection items in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). The "Appearance" category includes wearables such as: Body Markings, Costumes, Facial Hair, Hair Styles, Hats, Head Markings, Major Adornments, Minor Adornments, Personalities, Polymorphs and Skins.


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Is there such a thing as ESO fashion?

Yes, there definitely is! Many players enjoy the huge variety of ESO's possibility to customize your character. There's oftentimes guild events with fashion shows and prizes to win!

How do you get outfits in ESO?

You can acquire outfits through questing, killing mobs or the in-game Crown Store. Outfit slots can also be acquired from the Crown Store. These additional Outfit slots are within the Crafting section, with a total of 10 Outfit slots available.

How do you get cool clothes in ESO?

There's a variety of different costumes, hats, skins and tattoos which you can acquire in-game. Either by leveling up alone, by killing various mobs, accomplishing various achievements or by doing PvP!

How do you equip costumes in ESO?

Back in Update 17, ZOS added the Outfit system. Now players can choose any style they have learned on any character and change the appearance of their worn items.

What is an outfit slot upgrade in ESO?

An Outfit slot upgrade is something you can purchase in the in-game Crown Store. This way you can change between styles quickly. Outfits can be modified at an Outfit Station.

How do you farm motifs in ESO?

Motifs can be found in various places. Especially older styles drop either from containers, urns, and even people when stealing. Nowadays they are either a drop from endbosses in dungeons or drop from containers that you receive as a reward for a daily quest.

How do you hide your helmet in ESO?

In the Appearance section of the Collectibles, there's a Hat option to Hide Your Helm. Press either E or Double Click on it to activate it.

Are outfits account-wide in ESO?

Yes, outfits, as well as costumes, are account-wide. Which means that if you have a dedicated crafting character, where you learn all motifs you find on, you can still use all styles that you learned on different characters.

Can you hide armor in ESO?

No, you can not hide your armor in ESO. You can only hide your helm in ESO.

Outfits and the Outfit System - ESO Fashion

Outfit Basics

Everyone has one Outfit by default and can get more from the Crown Store. You can change into or out of Outfits at any time.
  • To change an Outfit's styles or dyes, visit and Outfit Station . They are located in all major cities.
  • Each Outfit accepts dyes whether a style has been applied to it or not. If there is no style in a body slot, the dye will be applied to your equipped armor.
  • Each time you customize an Outfit to improve your ESO fashion, there is a cost associated, no matter how small the change. When customizing, you can swap your weapons to better coordinate your look.
  • Weapon styles are grouped according to the Skill Line associated with them. Any weapon from a Skill Line can take on the associated style, whether it is equipped or not.
  • Each Outfit Style will display a hint revealing how it can be unlocked.

Outfit and collectible layers for ESO Fashion

Appearance collectibles interface with Outfits in a layered fashion. These layers form groups that may hide one or more parts from lower layers - such as a costume that hides your entire face, or a hat that hides your costume's hat so your face can be seen again. If you have head markings and facial accessories active, the costume hides them, but the hat brings them back.

From bottom to top, the layer order for your appearance is:

  • Personalities
  • Body Markings and Head Markings
  • Skins, Hair Styles, Facial Accessories, Facial Hair, and Jewelry
  • Equipped Armor and Outfits
  • Costumes
  • Hats
  • Polymorphs

Costumes to improve your ESO Fashion

Costumes, skins, polymorphs and hats added to your Collections are unlocked for all characters on your account. This means any costumes purchased via the Crown Store or unlocked in-game can be accessed by all your ESO characters. Costumes will override your character's attire visuals. Skins will override your character's skin while keeping your physical features intact. Hats will override helmets or costume-related headgear. The "Hide Helmet" Gameplay Setting will hide hats. Polymorphs will override all your character's attire visuals, skin, hats and physical features.

Armor Dyeing

While your ESO Plus membership is active you will have the ability to dye costumes and hats at Outfit Stations placed throughout the world to add some variety to your ESO fashion. Outfits are generally dye-able, even without ESO Plus. You only need it for costumes and hats! Non-ESO Plus Members can only dye their costumes and hats by purchasing Dye Stamps sold in the Crown Store.

To apply dyes to your armor, visit an Outfit Station. Outfit Stations are located in all major hub cities. New dyes can be unlocked by completing in-game Achievements. Right-click on any locked dye to learn which Achievement will unlock it.

Dye Tools

  • ThePaint Brush allows you to apply a dye to an individual dye slot on a single armor piece
  • ThePaint Bucket allows you to apply a dye to the same slot across all equipped armor pieces
  • TheEraser Tool allows you to remove an applied dye from a dye slot
  • TheEye Dropper allows you to copy existing colors you've already applied to other dye slots
  • TheSet Fill Tool allows you to apply colors to saved sets of your dye slots

Note: Dyeing a piece of armor binds it to your account.

ESO fashion is one of the great aspects of the game, everyone looks different because there are so many different options to customize your character.


Source: https://eso-hub.com/en/fashion-outfits

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